Friday, December 31, 2010

Welcome Allie Marie

We went to the hospital at midnight on Sunday the 26th to be induced. By 1:00am I was all ready to start the pitocin and by 1:40am my water had broke on it's own. The next 7 hours were not fun at all and very painful. My epidural wore off on the left side right after I got it at 3:00am. By 7:00am I wanted to scream from the pain so the new shift anesthesiologist gave me a quick-but-doesn't-last-long numbing medicine in my epidural cord and let me tell ya he became my new friend. I was doing good at that point and by 8:54am Miss Allie blessed us with her presence. She was 8lbs 3oz and 21 inches long. She is a wonderful baby and quiet. She doesn't cry much at all only when she is hungry or wet and even then it isn't loud. Here are some pictures of our new bundle of joy!!
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Sunday, December 19, 2010

8 days and counting......

So we are at the final week. My due date is the 30th but I am being induced at midnight on the 27th. I know I have done this before but I can say I am getting nervous for sure. I am ready to be done too. Allie (and I) are getting so big that we are both out of room! :) I have been having alot of leg and feet swelling but that is normal for the most part. I have been measuring 1 week ahead of where I am so hopefully she isn't too big. I can't wait to see and meet her. I think she will look alot like Payton but we'll see. Well here is another picture of how big WE are!