Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Green is Good!!

At Pre-K the teacher does a "stop-light" deal for discipline. Green means she was good all day, Yellow is 2 warnings and Red is 3 warning and time out. Well as you can see my little girl is going green so far!!! I am so proud of her and she was proud too!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

22 Weeks.......

And getting bigger!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Our Little Family

On Sunday we made a trip to the State Fair. It was fun (expect for all the walking and heat, not so much fun for a pregnant girl) and Payton loved all the rides! We also got a little something to start the new addition we will be having join the family in a few months. It a wood plaque that we can hang outside on the fence. They made it by hand, so cool!
(Sorry don't mind my feet) :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Princess and her DS

Payton had a big day on Saturday. We had the Waynesville Fall Fling and my little girl won the Princess contest and got to ride in the parade with the little Prince! She was so excited to win, I was a proud momma too!

Payton also sold raffle tickets for the Fling and the person that sold the most tickets got to win a Ninetendo DS. Yes my little girl won that too. She sold about 270 tickets and she did very good she went door to door around town and asked people to buy them She deserved the DS, she has been wanting one since everyone at daycare has one. I was happy to not have to buy one too!:)

Monday, August 16, 2010

It's A Girl!

Today we found out we are having another girl, meet Allie Marie! She is a very active baby, she was moving so much it took forever to find out what she was. We couldn't be happier! Can't wait to meet the little girl. Payton was so happy when the tech said she was having a baby sister that she threw her arms up and said "YES!" really loud. She has been saying since we found out we were pregnant that it was a girl, guess she was right.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Pre-K here she comes!

Today we went and registered for school. Monday the 23rd will be Payton's first day of Pre-K. I am so nervous but so excited. She got separated from her friends at daycare, but I think she will be good. I have confidence in her. All she talks about it going to Pre-K. In order to start she had to be fully potty trained, she worked her little butt off to get it accomplished and she did! She is such a big girl and I am proud of her.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010


On Saturday we had a birthday party for Payton turning 4. It is so hard to believe that she is going to be 4 in just a couple days. Seems like just yesterday I was in the hospital waiting for her to make her arrival! Mommy and Daddy love you so much girlie!!